the impact of COVID-19 at a level that the company can manage. Highlights of the company's performance in the second quarter of 2020 (Quarterly Profit New High) The Company and its subsidiary ( JMT
) -45% 10% Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,168 (1,546) 214 -82% 114% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.85 (1.12) 0.16 Note: 1/ EBITDA from Refinery Business of the Company, BCP Trading Pte. Ltd
6,074.06 4,336.26 4,604.03 4,579.28 Dividend Income 1,329.40 - - - Gains (Losses) on Investments -9.64 49.55 568.07 389.89 Interest Income (Expense) From Financial Assets And Liabilities Designated At Fair
the same period a year earlier, on lower debt balance and increase in retained earnings. Table 2: Summary of Profit & Loss Statement 1Q 4Q 1Q YoY QoQ 2017 2017 2018 Revenue from rent and services 6,530
exchange gain/(loss) (0.35) 0.32 -191.43% Other income 2.36 3.11 31.78% Earnings before interest and taxes 64.97 237.44 265.46% Financial expense (2.30) (2.31) 0.43% Profit before income tax expense 62.67
250.00% Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) 0.32 0.93 190.63% Other income 3.11 5.87 88.75% Earnings before interest and taxes 237.44 124.30 -47.65% Financial expense (2.31) (1.86) -19.48% Profit before
gain/(loss) 3.11 (0.35) -111.25% Other income 5.47 2.36 -56.86% Earnings before interest and taxes 86.99 64.97 -25.31% Financial expense (0.76) (2.30) 202.63% Profit before income tax expense 86.23 62.67
Profit before income tax expenses 87.6 48.0 82.5 29.4 198.0 200.5 132.5 51.3 Income tax expenses 17.2 9.1 89.0 4.9 251.0 37.6 23.1 62.8 Net profits 70.4 38.9 81.0 24.5 187.3 162.9 109.4 48.9 Basic earnings
Profit before income tax expenses 87.6 48.0 82.5 29.4 198.0 200.5 132.5 51.3 Income tax expenses 17.2 9.1 89.0 4.9 251.0 37.6 23.1 62.8 Net profits 70.4 38.9 81.0 24.5 187.3 162.9 109.4 48.9 Basic earnings
Baht 887 million and earnings per share of Baht 0.45, compared to consolidated profits (attributable to equity holders of the parent) of Baht 1,022 million and earnings per share of Baht 0.51 the