in terms of business features, technology, and other infrastructure linkages. ?Regional linkages and collaboration are essential to enhance our competitiveness amidst rapid changes in international
instruments in domestic securities markets. The draft regulation prescribes a short procedure for issuing and offering TCR to facilitate rapid and timely TCR issuance in response to investors? trading orders
% respectively, while international business grew at 7.3% at constant FX. Q4’19 Revenue from sales were at THB 6,621 million (+4.6% YoY). - Fit Fast Firm project (OSP’s cost saving program) successfully delivered
เป็นการทัว่ไปแทน (เช่น เปิดในเวบ็ไซตข์องบริษทัจดัการ) ผูแ้สดงความคิดเห็นเสนอใหส้ านกังานระบุแนวทางปฏิบติัในการยืน่แกไ้ขโครงการโดยใหใ้ชว้ธีิ Fast Track และไม่มีค่าใชจ่้ายดว้ย เน่ืองจากในปัจจุบนัมีการระบุ
องจายลวงหนาเปนจํานวนมาก เพิ่มอตัราคาธรรมเนียมเฉพาะกรณีท่ีมีการกํากับดูแลเพ่ิมมากขึ้น โดยกรณีขายตอผูลงทุน ท่ัวไป มีการแยกประเภท issuer เปน fast track และ normal track และเพิ่มอัตรา คาธรรมเนียม
No. ECF2 044/2561 3 December 2018 Subject: Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the investment in purchasing the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., capital increase, and the issuance and allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific person under the private placement basis, and the schedule for Extraordinary General Meeting No. 1/2019 (Additional) To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum...
-Translation- No. ECF2 005/2019 17 January 2019 Subject: Cancellation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 13/2018 in relation to the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., capital increase, and the issuance and allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific person under the private placement basis, and the schedule for 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders...
the 1st quarter ended 31 March Description Unit 2018 2017 2016 1. Liquidity ratio Time 9.48 6.69 9.48 2. Liquidity quick ratio Time 1.47 3.26 6.16 3. Average debt collection time Day 53 62 45 4. Average
quick service restaurant industry. Miyabi Grill: sales was 8.5 Million THB, decreased by 35.4 Million THB or -80.6% YoY due to the fact that the company has endorsed a third party with franchising under
Description Unit 2017 2016 2015 1. Liquidity ratio Time 7.59 8.29 1.58 2. Liquidity quick ratio Time 3.13 4.36 0.50 3. Average debt collection time Day 69 57 40 4. Average debt repayment time Day 71 64 63 5