Prescription of Conditions for Securities Companies to Apply for Approval of Person to Be Major Shareholder, mutatis mutandis. In this regard, in case such person is a juristic person, the directors or partners
Prescription of Conditions for Securities Companies to Apply for Approval of Person to Be Major Shareholder, mutatis mutandis. In this regard, in case such person is a juristic person, the directors or partners
, control or management, including any connected person in relation to such person. In this regard, such person may be liable to cause the intermediary to provide services to clients unfairly. 3 Amended by
Ministry of Finance concerning Prescription of Conditions for Securities Companies to Apply for Approval of Person to Be Major Shareholder , mutatis mutandis . In this regard, in case such person is a
Person to Be Major Shareholder, mutatis mutandis. In this regard, in case such person is a juristic person, the directors or partners of such juristic person shall also not have the prescribed prohibited
contract, shareholding, control or management, including any connected person in relation to such person. In this regard, such person may be liable to cause the intermediary to provide services to clients
Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019, by which the offering price will not be less than the minimum price of Baht 2.4 per share in any respect. The market price will be in accordance with the Notification of
Systems in respect of the MRT Blue Line Extension Project for a period of 7 years from the date of full opening for service of the MRT Blue Line Project, had the value of approximately Baht 1,505.0 Million
civil infrastructure and E&M Systems in respect of the MRT Blue Line Extension Project for a period of 7 years from the date of full opening for service of the MRT Blue Line Project, had the value of
Systems in respect of the MRT Blue Line Extension Project for a period of 7 years from the date of full opening for service of the MRT Blue Line Project, had the value of approximately Baht 1,505.0 Million