the SET 5. Other criteria Criteria for authorizing IPO The past five years record must not contain doubt that information in filing and application is inaccurate or incomplete, or that important
เว็ปไซตของ ICMA เปนฉบับทางการของคาํแปลฉบับนี ้เอกสารฉบับนี้เปนคําแปลฉบับไมเปนทางการและจัดทําขึน้เพือ่เปนขอมูลอางอิงประกอบเทานั้น For the avoidance of doubt, the English language version of the
by the intermediary . Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets , the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
by the intermediary. Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets, the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
by the intermediary. Clause 10 In case of doubt whether or not the assets segregated and managed by the SEC Office are clients’ assets, the SEC Office shall settle such assets with the official
to verify the transactions. This raised doubt whether such transactions were executed as truly intended by the clients. In addition, a certain share transfer from a client account was found to be
transactions with such clients without calling the original number or pursuing any other means to verify the transactions. This raised doubt whether such transactions were executed as truly intended by the
channels in digital era. This will enable the Company to adapt to adapt itself to the change of customers’ behavior in media industry in a digital era such as website, online society media, mobile phone and
Nature of business GNET operates its business in relation to the provision of information and news via mobile phone, internet, which subsequently GNET has changed its business. At the present, GNET
to investors in both jurisdictions in terms of the form which that notice takes6. 20. For avoidance of doubt, changes that render the Hong Kong Covered Fund ineligible under this MRF (for example – the