flexible packaging production line, so the restriction has been made. The production of the flexible packaging is not very complicated, then the Company can control the risk. - Risk of sale of product. Due
has been made. The production of the flexible packaging is not very complicated, then the Company can control the risk. - Risk of sale of product. Due to the new production line, the Company will have a
(Form 61-2) (The same form as submitted to the SEC Office for approval request, which contains current information, is acceptable). For your kind consideration. Yours sincerely, Signature
(Form 61-2) (The same form as submitted to the SEC Office for approval request, which contains current information, is acceptable). For your kind consideration. Yours sincerely, Signature
CHO, the issuer of CHO212A, CHO21OA, CHO229A and CHO228A bonds, will electronically convene the Bondholders’ Meeting No. 1/2024 on 18 December 2024 at 14.00 hours. The e-meeting contains matters
. The meeting contains matters for consideration of approval as follows: (1) A one-year extension of the maturity period for redemption; (2) An increase of the interest rate by
agenda contains matters for consideration of approval as follows: - Extension of the maturity date for redemption of the bonds for six months, from 13 June 2026 to 13 December 2026
code of ethics for SEC workforce in line with the intention of the Ethical Standards Act. The drafted code of ethics contains regulations which require the workforce to perform work and uphold ethics
EARTH has disclosed the notice of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting No. 1/2020 on the company's website, which contains a proposal, as per a letter from the shareholders, for consideration
. serves as the bondholder representative for JCK221A. The e-meeting’s agenda contains subject matters for consideration as follows: Agenda Item 1: Consideration for approval of an