and restriction of persons and gender identity, (3) job postings and qualifications specifying educational qualifications or ability corresponding to the job without specifying gender, (4) the
the first 3 months of 2019 because during the period, ICE had a limitation in finding new customers and the main factor was the spread of COVID – 19, some customers postponed the purchase decision
1 แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย ์ (แบบ 69-ASEAN) แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย ์ กรณีบรษัิทไทยเสนอขายหลักทรัพยใ์นไทยและประเทศกลุม่อาเซยีนพรอ้มกนัหรอืในเวลาใกลเ้คยีงกนั Registration Statement for Thai-incorporated Company to offer for sale of securities in Thailand and ASEAN member country simultaneously or in proximate period (ชือ่บรษัิททีเ่สนอขายหลักทรัพย)์ (Commercial Name of the Issuer) - ใหร้ะบลุกัษณะทีส่ าคญัของหลักทรัพยท์ีเ่สนอขาย เชน่ ประเภทหลกัทรัพย ์จ านวน ราคาเสนอขายต...
not yet fully recovered due to the concern over 2nd wave of COVID-19 pandemic, international travel restriction in many countries and slowdown of economic recovery as well as business cutting down
3Q21 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. Executive Summary Slight revenue improvement despite COVID restriction measures and continued competition During 3Q21, the economy remained subdue from COVID
recovering after passing through the bottom in April, which was the most affected. After various countries around the world started relaxing their lockdown policies and travel restriction. Combined with the
allocating the shares to any subscriber if such allocation causes or may cause the infringement of foreign shareholding restriction as specified in the Articles of Association of the Company which, at present
shall undertake the securities borrowing and lending business within that restriction. In the case where the business operator under the first paragraph wishes to relax or remove such restriction, the
May 1999. (Translation) -5- after license has been given,, the business operator shall undertake the securities borrowing and lending business within that restriction. 20 In the case where the business
Lending (No. 2) dated 26 May 1999. (Translation) -5- after license has been given,, the business operator shall undertake the securities borrowing and lending business within that restriction. 20In the case