Channel 24 / Satellite and cable TV Channel 34 or via application True4U and True Plookpanya Channel on TrueVisions channel 6.
respectively. The Company has steady income from the business with the main transactions from the transmission tower and cable network installation for TRUE and CAT for instance. Maintenance and Service Business
Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking CTW CHAROONG THAI WIRE & CABLE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking CHASE Chase Asia Public Company Limited Filing
sales decreased because of the drop of main customers’ sales especially who is operate the cable satellite TV station. 2. Summary of operating results by business type - Translation - JKN GLOBAL MEDIA
”) Type of fixed asset 1 set of cable modem termination system machine, Signal analyzer machine, RF analyzer machine, industrial router machine, and 3 sets of function test equipments. Averaged 5 years of
”) ประเภทสินทรัพยถ์าวร เคร่ือง Cable modem termination system, เคร่ืองวเิคราะห์สญัญาณ, เคร่ือง วเิคราะห์สญัญาณวทิย ุเคร่ืองเราทเ์ตอร์อุตสาหกรรม จ านวน 1 ชุด และ อุปกรณ์ การทดสอบระบบ จ านวน 3 ชุด อายกุารใชง้าน
of 2017, resulting from increased sales to clients, including digital TV station operators and cable and satellite TV station operators. Furthermore, revenue from program rights in the first quarter of
of change in qualification of grid interconnection cable required by a private power operator, then also non-negotiable payment period of land purchase for the project under BMP-5, and change in
Ranking TSE THAI SOLAR ENERGY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking TSC THAI STEEL CABLE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Filing FinancialStatement 56-1 56-2 Ranking TTI THAI TEXTILE
and 11.3% YoY to 26,185mn1 in second quarter of 2017 (April-June 2017). Overall advertising spending was weighed down by TV sector (Analogue TV, Digital TV and Cable TV) which has the highest market