receiving the application together with the accurate and complete evidentiary documentation according to the Licensing Manual for the Public, the SEC Office shall examine the facts according to the procedures
responsible for handling of complaints and disputes; (3) monitor and examine handling of complaints and disputes, and inform complainants or disputants of the results of consideration of the complaints or
cases where a client wishes to use services relating to each type of the risky or complex capital market products for the first time, an intermediary shall examine the client’s investment knowledge in
type of the risky or complex capital market products for the first time, an intermediary shall examine the client’s investment knowledge in order to assess suitability before investing in or entering
without a doubt. Clause 18 In taking the actions under Clause 16 and Clause 17, a derivatives clearing house shall examine and ensure that its staff strictly complies with the applicable notifications and
, autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles. IVL is at the forefront of developing solutions, providing a unique global manufacturing footprint, an unparalleled product portfolio together with sustainable solu
IVL within its rapidly expanding HVA portfolio benefiting from mega-trends like light-weighting, autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles. IVL is at the forefront of developing solutions, providing a
การท างานภายในที่คลอ่งตวั รวมถงึ การใชร้ะบบการบรหิารโครงขา่ยแบบอตัโนมตั ิ(Autonomous network) ทีจ่ะช่วยใหก้ารใชง้บลงทุนในโครงขา่ยและตน้ทุนโครงขา่ยมปีระสทิธภิาพสงูขึน้ ทัง้นี้ เนื่องจากเอไอเอสตัง้เป้าใน
, in addition to the action under the first paragraph, the mutual fund management company shall arrange for the mutual fund supervisor to examine and certify in writing that such transaction is in
appeal consideration shall examine an appeal. If [the department in charge of appeal consideration] considers that the appeal does not contain particular under Clause 20, it shall propose to the Secretary