million from the printing business and Baht 14.12 million the power plant business, compared to the same period of last year. The main reason is that the solar business has adjusted the unrealized exchange
14.37% due to cost of raw materials for wire has adjusted which higher than sales price and allowance for diminution in value of inventories has been recorded because of inventory deterioration which
2017. This main reason was the commission policy which was adjusted to pay at lower rate than last year. Administrative expenses In the first 6 months of 2018, the Company had administrative expenses of
รกิำร 1,751.8 ลำ้นบำท เพิม่ขึน้รอ้ยละ 144.8 จำกงวดหกเดอืนปี 2561 โดยมสีำเหตุส ำคญัจำกกำรรบัรูร้ำยได้ จำกโรงแรม Outrigger ทีบ่รษิทัฯ เขำ้ซือ้เมื่อวนัที ่12 มถุินำยน 2561 สรปุผลกำรด ำเนินงำน 1 Adjusted
Security Scheme that registered with our hospital branches. And, the Company received additional revenue from Risk- adjusted payment from the SSO’s budget disbursement of 2018. Total expenses for Q3/2019
was Baht 1,229 million, rose by Baht 221 million or 21.9% from last year. Normalized net profit, adjusted with Non-recurring item, was Baht 1,251 million, increased by Baht 192 million or 18.1% from
risk adjusted capitation along with a 5.4 percent increase of insured persons in the Social Security scheme compared to the same period of last year. On the other hand, the Company adjusted the revenue
business/ restaurants. • However, regarding to COVID 19 measurements in March, sales from rice business were adjusted in positive results, while food center business were presented in negative results
cost due to the oil price, Long-term lease payments which have been adjusted to some financial costs and adjusting the employee benefit estimate. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Waewta
the same period of 2019 because of increasing of wage, welfare for employees etc. 5. Other expenses 5.1 Doubtful account In the third quarter 2020, company and subsidiaries has adjusted the doubtful