firm executives against whom the SEC files a criminal complaint as person of untrustworthy characteristics, active participation of minority shareholders in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
หลักเกณฑในการใชทรัสต สําหรับการบริหารและจดัการลงทุน (Active trust) สํานักงานอยูระหวางดําเนินการ ซ่ึงจะเปดรับฟงความ คิดเห็นเปนรายธุรกรรมตอไป เอกสารฉบับนี้จึงไดจดัทําขึ้นเพื่อรับฟงความคิดเห็นจาก
to the investment in machinery of new production line, and Intangible assets increase Baht 0.92 million due to upgraded the accounting software to current version. 2. Total liability, the company had
upgraded the CPN’s rating and debentures to “AA” with “stable” outlook. As of 30 September 2017, outstanding interest-bearing debts was THB 17,967 mn, comprising of 78% fixed and 22% floating interest rates
25mn active subscribers and 2.2mn transactions per day Speed-up strategy to install Boonterm kiosk cover all areas to expand customer base and revenue as well as to prevent competitors entering to
Stress test result รูปแบบ การทดสอบ Average Peak Peak/Stress test (%) Total account Active account View (number of concurrent users) dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy TPS (transactions per second) dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy
debt recovery increased by 7% y-y as well as revenue growth from overseas subsidiaries by 46% y-y. As of May 31, 2020, the Company has active customers more than 2 million IDs, mainly from Bangkok 31
debt recovery increased by 7% y-y as well as revenue growth from overseas subsidiaries by 46% y-y. As of May 31, 2020, the Company has active customers more than 2 million IDs, mainly from Bangkok 31
other incomes in bad debt recovery increased by 17% y-y. As of May 31, 2022, the Company has active customers more than 2.6 million IDS, mainly from Bangkok 30%, and in up-country 70%. For overseas
Company has active customers more than 2.6 million, mainly from Bangkok 30%, and in up-country 70%. In terms of overseas business in Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos, they have active customers more than 118,000