47.1 133.3 (86.2) (64.7) Liabilities under financial arrangement agreements - net of current portion 168.2 118.0 50.2 42.5 Total liabilities 2,668.8 2,690.9 (22.1) (0.8) Liabilities As of March 31, 2022
other payables 1,091.4 921.0 170.4 18.5 Unbilled payables 681.1 837.3 (156.2) (18.7) Current portion of liabilities under financial arrangement agreements 72.1 93.8 (21.7) (23.1) Income tax payable 12.1
), relating to the acquisitions of equipment and computer software; 2. Commitments in respect of the operating lease agreements The Company and its subsidiaries have entered into the operating lease agreements
year 2019 2 5. The Settlement of Disputes by Extension of the periods of Concession Agreements On February 18, 2020, the Council of Ministers’ Meeting agreed to amend the Agreements for Settlement of the
to negotiation and engage in joint venture agreement, asset purchase agreement and other agreements related to investment in Food and Beverage business. The details of the New Joint Venture are as
agreement. The Board of Directors shall authorize Chief Executive Officer to have power to negotiate, agree and enter into any terms and conditions of such agreement and other related agreements, including
Agreement which have the total value of approximately Baht 137,517 Million, by means of review and amendment of the three Concession Agreements to be extended to end in 2057, toll rates shall be revised at a
Consideration : Conditions and other agreements in the contract are based on normal commercial terms. (8) Expected Benefits : The installation of the machinery for the production of Siding Board and Diamond Board
negotiate, agree and enter into any terms and conditions of such agreement and other related agreements and any other details as the management deem appropriated. Value of connected Transactions : The
ในสญัญาหลกั (Definitive Agreements) เพื่อให้ได้มา ซึง่หุ้นของ EIPET ในอตัราไมเ่กินร้อยละ 50 และได้เข้าร่วมทนุในอตัราร้อยละ 50 กบับริษัท Dhunseri EIPET ซึง่มีก าลงัการผลติอยูท่ี่ 540,000 ตนัตอ่ปี นัน้ เป็น