3.) โครงกำรมิกซ์ยูส เซ็นทรลัพลาซา จนัทบุร ีประกอบดว้ยศูนย์กำรคำ้และกำร พัฒนำรูปแบบผสมอืน่ๆ ภำยใตแ้นวคดิ The Shining Gem of ECC plus 2 คำดว่ำ จะเปิดใหบ้รกิำรในปี 2565 นอกจำกนี้ ยังจับมือร่วมกับบรษัิท
Center คำดวำ่จะเปิดใหบ้รกิำรในปี 2564 3.) โครงกำรมิกซ์ยูส เซ็นทรลัพลาซา จนัทบุร ีประกอบดว้ยศูนย์กำรคำ้และกำร พัฒนำรูปแบบผสมอืน่ๆ ภำยใตแ้นวคดิ The Shining Gem of ECC plus 2 คำดว่ำ จะเปิดใหบ้รกิำรในปี 2565
allows the shareholding by foreign entity in the Company of not exceeding 49% of total number of paid-up shares of the Company. The Company reserves the rights to not allocate shares to any subscriber if
allows the shareholding by foreign entity in the Company of not exceeding 49% of total number of paid-up shares of the Company. The Company reserves the rights to not allocate shares to any subscriber if
allows the shareholding by foreign entity in the Company of not exceeding 49% of total number of paid-up shares of the Company. The Company reserves the rights to not allocate shares to any subscriber if
allows the shareholding by foreign entity in the Company of not exceeding 49% of total number of paid-up shares of the Company. The Company reserves the rights to not allocate shares to any subscriber if
, a trustee shall perform its duty in order to collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of trust, except where dissolution, liquidation or bankruptcy of the
prohibits alteration of the trustee. SECTION 52 Subject to Section 29, a trustee shall perform its duty in order to collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of
subject to deliberation. All should have appropriate training and induction processes made available to them, and should be able to allocate sufficient time both to that training and induction and to
collect, dispose and allocate property in accordance with Section 53 upon termination of trust, except where dissolution, liquidation or bankruptcy of the trustee causes the termination of trust, a