ready-to-drink milk, drinks 602.33 564.30 1,230.38 1,071.07 38.03 6.74 159.32 14.87 Immovable property business 1.23 0.47 0.95 0.87 0.76 161.83 0.08 9.67 Agriculture and dairy farm 13.72 13.66 32.69 29.38
- drink milk, drinks 472.24 276.36 975.79 476.89 195.88 70.88 498.90 104.62 Immovable property business 3.47 4.76 6.42 9.48 (1.29) (27.10) (3.06) (32.28) Agriculture and dairy farm 15.33 14.80 32.43 32.09
Industry; the Stock Exchange of Thailand; Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank; the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives; the Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and
actions against cyber threats. People and culture: KBank continues to emphasize the cultivation of a cyber risk-aware culture via communication through various formats. Notable endeavors included a
1Q2020, overall palm oil production in both domestic and international market declined due to the significant impact of drought on agriculture. According to Department of Internal Trade, local crude palm
and wellness tourism, agriculture and biotechnology, robotics, aviation and logistics, biofuels and biochemical, digital, and medical hubs. The promotion of these industries comes with investment
projects which had just received and delivered in Q3–2019, such as the Network development project and the Improve the efficiency of the remote communication network system project of Bank for Agriculture
from agriculture. Alignment with a 1.5°C world refers to the Paris Agreement long-term temperature goal, as expressed in relevant IPCC reports, in particular the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and
production resulted to less in yield per rai, which led to a contraction of GDP 4.8% of agriculture sector. Moreover, off-season rice harvest areas also declined by 41.21% in this quarter effecting to a
Bank and its Subsidiaries Million Baht Item Quarter Change (%) 1/2019 4/2018 1/2018 4/2018 1/2018 Net profit * 9,028 8,101 9,005 11.4% 0.3% Earnings per share (Baht) 4.73 4.24 4.72 11.4% 0.3% Net