มากกว่ากองทุนรวมที่ portfolio duration ต ่ากว่า 8. ควำมเสี่ยงจำกกำรท ำสัญญำซือ้ขำยล่วงหน้ำเพื่อป้องกันควำมเสี่ยง คือ สญัญาซือ้ขายล่วงหนา้ที่อาจมีการขึน้ลง ผนัผวน (Volatile) มากกว่าหลกัทรพัยพ์ืน้ฐาน ดงันัน้
the end of 2019. The Company emphasizes on the importance of effective management of its capital structure to be resilient towards the volatile money market and capital market, as well as maintain its
rating or investment view on the equity security of the company or related products. Volatility Indicator [V] : A stock is defined as volatile if the stock price has moved up or down by 20% or more in a
November – 28 December 2018. Atthavut and Sujeera colluded to send trading orders of TIGER stocks in manners of manipulating the closing price, executing bid orders to heighten the price, dominating bid
November – 28 December 2018. Atthavut and Sujeera colluded to send trading orders of TIGER stocks in manners of manipulating the closing price, executing bid orders to heighten the price, dominating bid and
/Pages/PB_Detail.aspx?SECID=617 . Stakeholders and interested parties are welcome to send comments or suggestions to www.sec.or.th or e-mail: tanach@sec.or.th or ratchrin@sec.or.th . The public hearing
] phanchul Typewriter [Fill in head office address] phanchul Typewriter [*** Fill in Corporate E-mail only. The SEC will send the company account activation link to the E-mail ***] phanchul Typewriter [Input
while massive capital inflows induced by expected baht appreciation further boosted the market. During the second half of the year, movements of the index were highly volatile, closing the year at 858.1
billion baht placed Thailand highest in the ASEAN region for a third year. Despite a challenging volatile environment, collaboration by all relevant participants helped the Thai capital market achieve a
Company Limited (the “Company”) would like to send the financial statements for the year ended December 31 st , 2018, which have been audited by the independent auditor. The Company’s net profit increased