enormous potential to grow the Company’s scale of business operations from fundamental perspective. Such a transaction is not considered a connected transaction as defined by the Notifications of the Capital
impact investor networks. This virtual pitching event will be showcasing 10 outstanding impact enterprises who are currently seeking additional capital to scale both their business and impacts. We will be
and services, enhance and scale up operations, and build reputation and brand. • Ideally an impact measurement framework should be created before starting operations, but this does not mean that it
ริหำรต้นทุนอย่ำงมีประสิทธิภำพของบริษัทฯ ส่งผลให้เกิดกำร ประหยัดต่อขนำด (Economies of scale) • อัตรำก ำไรข้ันต้นในไตรมำสที่ 4 ปี 2565 ที่ร้อยละ 62.9 ซ่ึงปรับตัวเพิ่มขึ้นจำกร้อยละ 59.6 ในไตรมำสที่ 4 ปี
ขนำด (Economy of scale) • อัตรำก ำไรข้ันต้นในไตรมำสที่ 3 ปี 2566 ที่ร้อยละ 66.0 ซ่ึงปรับตัวเพิ่มขึ้นจำกร้อยละ 64.6 ในไตรมำสที่ 3 ปี 2565 และในงวด 9 เดือนแรกปี 2566 ที่ ร้อยละ 64.8 ปรับตัวเพิ่มขึ้นจำกร้อ
investment and loan in subsidiary business and 2) Payments which were relevant with the Company gave subsidiary company to borrow at Baht 89.4 million to settle loans from its former subsidiary director
. The company to borrow more money. as a result, the debt this year has increased. Company milestones in the second quarter of 2020 Purchase of additional ordinary shares in a subsidiary On May 5, 2020
. The company to borrow more money. as a result, the debt this year has increased. Company milestones in the second quarter of 2020 Purchase of additional ordinary shares in a subsidiary On May 5, 2020
financial statements. In addition, Euro Asia Total Logistics Co., Ltd. has expanded its work, resulting in insufficient working capital. The company has to borrow more money. And the company has borrowed
in virtual assets such as digital tokens5, virtual commodities and crypto assets6 and engaging in a physical short sale transaction is also prohibited. However, a Covered Fund may borrow or engage 4