select their appropriate choice of investment policy, which would result in a sufficient growth of their retirement savings. The revision also made the regulations less of a burden for the investment
example, each party shall pay the fee once a year in order to reduce the burden of business operators who, at present make payments of fees several times a year. SEC has made the public hearing document
developed such as One For All Reporting System (OFAR) to reduce documentation burden for those making contact with the SEC and shorten the period for processing and disseminating information to the
abolished or revised to lessen burden on people. By doing so, methods used must be done with speed, transparency, low costs with participation of all related parties.
complete, transparent, and timely IPO information for investors’ informed decision-making, the SEC aims to promote more timely information disclosure without imposing an undue burden on the issuer. The SEC
ส านักงานร้องขอเป็นรายกรณีไป 3.2 แบบรายงาน Stress Test วัตถุประสงค ์ เพื่อใช้ติดตามความเสี่ยงของกองทุนรวม UI Fund และมรีะบบรองรับการรายงานตามทีป่ระกาศส านักงาน ก าหนด2 ผู้เกี่ยวข้อง บลจ. ทีจ่ัดการ MF
interest rates, the company has a lower loan burden from regular repayments of loans and interest. 7. The performances increased by 174.12 million baht or 1,356.07% (from a loss of 12.84 million baht to the
expenses and bank fees decreased by 2.34 million baht(from 24.29 million baht in 2019 to 21.95 million baht in 2020) because the company has a lower loan burden from regular repayments of loans and interest
living or occupations will be abolished or revised to lessen burden on people. By doing so, methods used must be done with speed, transparency, low costs with participation of all related parties
revision is in line with global practice and does not create undue burden on business sector. In this juncture, the rules governing type 1 property fund will also be revised to promote REIT establishment