enterprises, the cooperation and participation of the public in the promotion of positive impacts on the society and the environment.__________________________
Accounting Department, who had acquired the company’s information on the positive operating results in the financial statements of specific businesses for the fourth quarter of 2016 through the monthly
(positive list) หรือเป็นการใช้ทรัพยากรที่เหลืออยู่ให้เกิดประโยชน์ ทั้งนี้ ต้องไม่เข้าลักษณะเป็นกิจการที่ห้ามดำเนินการ (negative list) ด้วย (1.2) การประกอบกิจการอื่นข้างต้น ครอบคลุมทั้งการดำเนินการโดย
“PDPA Award 2020” on personal data protection will send a positive signal to motivate organizations to take up this matter with utmost care like what they have already done in context of good
provide for business expansion and lower transaction costs. These positive factors should contribute to attractiveness of our market as an investment and fund raising venue.?
30, 2006) set up provident funds, making a current total of 7,378 employers or an 8.63 percent increase from the previous year?s with 1.8 million members in total. A positive prospect as it is, the SEC
line with the overall decreased average occupancy trend for the hotels industry in the Maldives. As for the Food Business, overall there was a more positive trend during Q3/2017 compared to the same
Environment 2Q24 global economy continued to face challenges from prolonged monetary policy tightening amid geopolitical tensions. In Thailand, positive economic sentiment was driven by ongoing improvement in
Environment 2Q24 global economy continued to face challenges from prolonged monetary policy tightening amid geopolitical tensions. In Thailand, positive economic sentiment was driven by ongoing improvement in
Competitive Environment In 3Q24, Thailand showed positive sentiment emerged from the resolution of political uncertainty and a clearer economic direction and resuming of budget spending. These factors eased