Cables (OFC) of approximately 1,500,000 core kilometers. Such increase of the OFC will enhance an increase in the revenue obtained from the sale of FTTx service to be of approximately 550 subscribers per
29.84 million in the second quarter of the year 2016. The total revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration business of Baht 2.41 million ; - The revenue obtained from
revenue comprised:- - The revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration business of Baht 4.17 million as in the same period of last year, the Company had a project of providing a service of surveying
total revenue comprised:- - the revenue obtained from Telecom Systems Integration and Telecom Service business of Baht 100.99 million, mainly increasing due to the sale of computer servers; - the revenue
:// Settlement Committee Order No. 63/2023 Dated 21/06/2023 ") control system which is the persons not appointed from Finnomena or obtained an approval from SEC Office performed
in the units of a property fund or an infrastructure fund may be made; (5) investment in the units of a mutual fund for which the intermediary has obtained a permission from the SEC https
infrastructure fund may be made; (5) investment in the units of a mutual fund for which the intermediary has obtained a permission from the SEC -ร่าง- maturity; (4
evidences, it is reasonable to believe that Mr. Suphan Sethapanich has obtained benefits from selling the bills of exchange (B/E). He, therefore, committed an offense with dishonest intent and obtained
-public information obtained while performing duty as {X1} advisor and president. With the referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the SEC's probe found that on May 7, 2010 {A}, as the authorized
submitted a selling order for the first client?s investment units and deposited money obtained from the selling into a saving account she opened at Tisco Bank Plc., using the client?s signature that she had