in order to stabilize the financial system. Nevertheless, as the COVID-19 situation has shown no clear sign of improvement and may persist throughout the first half of this year or beyond, pending the
need of improvement continued to decline. These positive facts reflect the overall quality improvement of audit firms and auditors in the capital market thanks to the continuous dedication and
single brand of KASIKORNBANK. In alignment with our business strategies for 2019, KBank and subsidiaries thus reported Baht 38,727 million in net profit, increasing Baht 268 million or 0.70 percent
and entitled to vote or the Company cancels the EGM on January 18, 2018. - The Company does not receive approval from the SEC for the issuance and offering of ordinary shares to Private Placement
of the Thai economy and capital market. Local investors were active as the international investors were net buyers of shares. Equally important, such confidence and trust can be attributed in large
and entitled to vote or the Company cancels the EGM on January 18, 2018. - The Company does not receive approval from the SEC for the issuance and offering of ordinary shares to Private Placement
newly issued ordinary shares through Private Placement with a resolution of not less than three- fourth of the total votes of shareholders who attend the meeting and entitled to vote or the Company
profit from business acquisition, etc. Net profit was recorded at THB 1,337 million, with net profit attributable to owners of the company of THB 1,146 million, or earning per shares of THB 0.83 Refinery
repercussions on the global economy, compounded by a steep recession. It was a grim scenario, with uncertainty looming large. One year later, we stand in a very different place. Brent crude oil price has had a
million, increased by 10.1% yoy, due to interest from debenture which issued on Q3 of 2018. Net Profit FY2018, the Company reported net profit of THB 290 million, increase by THB 23 million or 8.6% yoy