relationship risk which is not more than medium level or which is in the acceptable level, unless having obtained exemption from the SEC Office; (5) having not been accused of or subjected to criminal proceeding
relationship risk which is not more than medium level or which is in the acceptable level, unless having obtained exemption from the SEC Office; (5) having not been accused of or subjected to criminal proceeding
which will be set up a wholly- owned subsidiary under the Registered of Wattanapat Samui Hospital for the further proceeding of the Hospital’s business. According to the details mentioned below: Business
for the further proceeding of the Hospital’s business. According to the details mentioned below: Business type : for establish the Hospital’s business; for overnight patients bed size : 29 beds under
regulatory authority, or having subjected to any legal proceeding following the criminal complaint filed by a financial regulatory authority under sub clause (b); (d) being a former director, manager or
financial institutions, regardless of local or foreign ones, or being subject to any legal proceeding following the criminal complaint initiated by such regulatory body; or having been sentenced to
governing supervision of capital market, or lacking trustworthiness as specified as prohibited characteristic in Group 1 under Clause 29; (2) having a record of legally proceeding against or being punished
result of their good faith whistleblowing activities. Principle 6.1 The Board should ensure that the company has effective and appropriate risk management and internal control systems that
KPI is key to the structuring of SLBs since it will be the expression of the level of ambition the issuer is ready to commit to, and thus considers realistic. SPTs must be set in good faith and the
สิ์น (หรือบุคคลท่ีศำลต่ำงประเทศแต่งตั้ง) ก็สำมำรถด ำเนินกำรบงัคบัทรัพยสิ์นของลูกหน้ีในต่ำงประเทศได ้ (ancillary proceeding) 2 เช่น รำยงำนกำรสอบบญัชีของผูส้อบบญัชีตอ้งไม่แสดงควำมเห็นอยำ่งมีเง่ือนไขวำ่ไม่