with constant NAV (MMF constant NAV https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/LawandRegulations/Fundchange.aspx English (United States) Fees investment funds (FIFs) Additional rules for country funds Additional
with constant NAV (MMF constant NAV https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/LawandRegulations/Fundchange.aspx English (United States) Fees investment funds (FIFs) Additional rules for country funds Additional
volume and higher sale volume in CNF incoterm. . Cost of goods sold and expenses (Thousands Baht) Year Change 4th Quarter Change Amount % Amount % Cost of goods sold (1,060,184) (935,107) (125,077
increased 63.10 percent due to higher gain from exchange rate. 1.2 Cost of goods sold and expenses Consolidated (Thousands Baht) Year Change 4th Quarter Change 2018 2017 Amount % 2018 2017 Amount % Cost of
. Revenue from sale of goods declined by 4.9% from THB 262.0 million to THB 249.1 million. Whilst revenue from rental and rendering of services increased 15.0% from THB 26.7 million to THB 30.7 million due to
the same period last year. Revenue from sale of goods declined by 10.6% from THB 236.1 million to THB 211.1 million. Other income decreased by 5.5% from THB 6.9 million to THB 6.5 million. Whilst
percent from the same period of last year affected by foreign exchange volatility during the Covid-19 pandemic in first quarter that lead to accumulated loss on exchange rate. 2. Cost of goods sold and
Increase (Decrease) % Increase (Decrease) 2018 2019 THB mm % THB mm % THB mm % Revenue from sale of goods 2,266.6 93.7 2,253.8 92.9 (12.7) (0.6) Revenue from rental and rendering 121.7 5.0 140.6 5.8 18.9
period last year. Revenue from sale of goods declined by 8.6% from THB 994.2 million to THB 908.5 million. Other income decreased by 30.6% from THB 28.5 million to THB 19.7 million. Whilst revenue from
our financial statements for period ended March 31, 2019. Total revenues slightly decreased to THB 265.6 million from THB 301.1 million in the previous year. Revenue from sale of goods declined by 13.0