วะสุวรรณ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ ภาคบัญชี มหาวิทยาลัย เกษตรศาสตร์ • ผลงานวิจัยเรื่อง “A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals” - Presentation - บทศึกษา โดย
political uncertainty, leaving the timing and format of Brexit in limbo. Despite these fragilities, the overall global economy was still resilient due to ongoing economic growth in many European countries
fragile, others remained mired in uncertainty in terms of new modes of competition, a broader marketplace within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the digital age, along with external changes
-changing consumer behavior. Given the increased degree of uncertainty in global economies and politics, businesses may have to contend with Thai Baht volatility and rising interest rate trends. Within this
ภาพื่ทุ่เกิดข้ึนอย์่างฉับพื่ลัน เป็นครังคราว (acute physical risk) • ราย์ได้ลดลงจากความส่ามารถในการผู้ลิต้ ทุ่ลดลง เน่องจากปัญห้าในการข้นส่่ง ห้ร่อ การส่ะดุดข้องห้่วงโซึ่่อุปทุาน • ราย์ได้ลดลงและต้้นทุนุ
may not fully or effectively mitigate the currency or interest rate risk. Given the uncertainty in the financial markets, including the impact of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic and the increased
cushion against any uncertainty or new regulations. In terms of capital, with the inclusion of net profit for the six months from July to December 2017 and of net profit for the first quarter of 2018 minus
(NESDB) forecasted Thailand’s economy to expand in the range of 3.50% to 4.50% (Mean 4.00%), lower than the expansion of 4.20% in 2018. A lower projection is mainly resulted from the uncertainty of trade
trillion to Baht 5.06 trillion, support from REITs and property funds. Due to the global stock markets were volatile, both from the Fed's policy rate hike And economic uncertainty that made overall stock
to closely monitor credit quality and maintain high levels of capital fund and loan loss provisions to withstand a potential adverse impact from economic uncertainty. Credit Rating LH Financial Group