act as the loss buffer. The position risk calculation with respect to general market risk and specific risk for various investment including equities, debt instruments, and investment units will be
unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to valuation of investment in PT Sunhub Mining International (SMI), an associated company, and share of loss of investment in SMI
and Q1/2014 financial statements respectively due to limitation on their scope of audit/review. Accordingly, the auditors were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to
, or business operators under the supervision of SEC, to have awareness of operating business with good governance, social and environmental responsibilities and respect for human rights. The priority
used to determine the credit rating. respect to a credit rating action the matter, application of the credit rating methodology, decision-making activities (e.g., the operation of a rating committee
information recording system with respect to derivatives trading, especially pre-trade information and post-trade information in order to support monitoring and examination after derivatives trading (audit
or time certificate of deposit, such deposits or certificate of deposit shall not have any restriction on redemption before maturity. (2) investing in treasury bills, Thai Government Bonds, state
deposits or certificate of deposit shall not have any restriction on redemption before maturity. (2) investing in treasury bills, Thai Government Bonds, state enterprise bonds which are unconditionally
deposits or certificate of deposit shall not have any restriction on redemption before maturity. (2) investing in treasury bills, Thai Government Bonds, state enterprise bonds which are unconditionally
independent judgement free from any external influence. The board should state its reasons if it determines that a director is independent notwithstanding the existence of relationships or circumstances which