owners may wish to ensure that remuneration frameworks do not unduly constrain their ability to https://www.sec.or.th/cgthailand/TH/Documents/Assessment/ICGN%20Institutional%20Investor%20Responsib...
, and Gross Profit margin in 9M/2023 was 64.8%, increased from 63.2% in 9M/2022, mainly due to the increase in the revenue from dessert cafés as well as the Company's ability to manage costs effectively
/2023, mainly due to the increase in the revenue, as well as the Company's ability to manage costs effectively. G R O S S P R O F I T a n d G R O S S P R O F I T M A R G I N : • The Company’s EBITDA in Q1
repayment ability, or investment limitation, which does not comply with professional standards of conduct. In the case of Prakaidaw Jongdee: According to a securities company?s report on a client?s complaint
swapping digital tokens. Therefore, investors should carefully consider relevant investment information disclosure and ensure their risk-taking ability before making an investment.”Those who are interested
required in case of offering long-term debentures to high net worth investors. The issuer's ability to comply with the repayment terms must be disclosed more clearly as well. ?We conducted a public
development plan, financial technology development and trending changes of customers’ behavior.” SFF 2020 was held for the fifth time. It organizes under People and Talent concept which focusing on the ability
employees to have financial management and planning skills, better standard of living and ability to afford comfortable retirement. Under the program, human resource unit of each employer will play a key role
1 25 May 2020 Subject: Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 5/2020, Change of Directors and Directors’ Power, Entering into Connected Transaction, Entering into Transaction on Acquisition of Assets and Determination of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders To: Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum on the Acquisition of Assets (Schedule 1) and the Entry into Connected Transaction of Nation Broadcasting Corpor...
regulators. In reviewing and amending policy frameworks, it is important to take into account the interac- tions between different elements of the corporate governance framework and its overall ability to pro