Green Apple in 250ml can were already introduced into the country. Sales of 3rd party products for distribution were THB 1,409 million, increased by THB 389 million or 38.2%, showing a consecutive growth
53 million or 30.5% since these are non-core products but tools to expand the Company’s brand awareness. The new product, carbonated Carabao Green Apple flavor in a 180-ml can (“Carabao Green Apple
conservativeness taken into account the shareholders’ best interest. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, -Mr.Sompol Tanadumrongsak- Managing Director
Directors The Company has taken action to ensure that the interested directors are not participating in the meeting and not entitled to vote on the adoption of resolution in the meeting on the agenda to
to inform you that the Company and Engie Global Developments B.V. (the “Seller”) have already taken actions in accordance with the resolution of the Energy Regulatory Commission (the “ERC”), approved
Eksangkul 6. Interested Directors The Company has taken action to ensure that the interested directors are not participating in the meeting and not entitled to vote on the adoption of resolution in the
:// translate-spv.docx incurred in the actual handling of the matters shall be taken into consideration without the principal intention being to generate revenue. The fees shall become
/EN/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/RoyalEnactment/enactment-specialjuristicpers... translate-spv.docx incurred in the actual handling of the matters shall be taken into consideration without the
. − − ✓ Remarks: 6 Application must be submitted within 5 years as from the expiration date of the previous approval. 7 A full course must have been taken for not more
taken for not more Section 98 allowing such transaction; (5) sell securities without having