contributing to the earnings. Notes We recommend that investors always read the MD&A together with the published financial statements to get complete details and understanding. The consolidated financials are
. Notes We recommend that investors always read the MD&A together with the published financial statements to get complete details and understanding. The consolidated financials are based on the elimination
published financial statements to get complete details and understanding. The consolidated financials are based on the elimination of intra-company (or intra-business segment) transactions. For this reason
. Notes We recommend that investors always read the MD&A together with the published financial statements to get complete details and understanding. The consolidated financials are based on the elimination
conditions as follows: 1. The Company will get the owner rights of land and buildings (acquisition assets) without any commitments. 2. The purchasers comply with the conditions, confirmations and all items
transactions above have considered the value of the transactions is larger than 0.03 percent but not more than 3.00 percent of the net tangible assets of the company, so that the Company is required to get
662 Soi Onnuch 17, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 THAILAND. Tel: 02-0195000 บริษัทมีค่าใชจ้่ายซึ่งเป็นค่าคอมมิชชั่นที่ใหก้ับผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจจดัส่งอาหาร (Grab, Lineman, Food Panda และ Get) เพิ่มมากขึน้ 7.7 ลา้
like-for-like asset footprint basis Notes We recommend that investors always read the MD&A together with the published financial statements to get complete details and understanding. The consolidated
appropriate capital management, having prepared operating cash flows statements every day to acknowledge the daily cash-in and cash-out, in order to learn about liquidity, debt service coverage and sources of
product life which is based on the generally accepted accounting standards. (4) Liquidity and Capital Sufficiency The Corporate Group has appropriate capital management, having prepared operating cash flows