due to its low season.The company still retained its second highest rank in retail market, with a growing market share. The cumulative market share from January to August 2018 was 15. 8% . The number of
Company) at debt to equity conversion price of THB 0.19 per share in order to balance the Dilution Effect and the objective to support the improvement of the Company‟s financial position. ACO I and the
∑ » « √ √ … · √ ° ¢ Õ ß ° . ≈ . µ . °— ∫ µ ≈ “ ¥ ∑ÿ π ‰ ∑ ¬ ( æ . » . Ú ı Û ı - Ú ı Ù ı ) ∑ » « √ √ … · √ ° ¢ Õ ß ° . ≈ . µ . °— ∫ µ ≈ “ ¥ ∑ÿ π ‰ ∑ ¬ ( æ . » . Ú ı Û ı - Ú ıÜÙÜıÜ ) ç °”°—∫·≈–æ—≤π“ µ≈“¥∑ÿπ¢Õߪ√–‡∑» „Àâ¡’ª√– ‘∑∏‘¿“æ ¬ÿµ‘∏√√¡ ‚ª√àß„ ·≈–πà“‡™◊ËÕ∂◊Õ é °≈à“«π” Ò ∫∑·√° °àÕπ®–¡“‡ªìπ °.≈.µ. Û ∫∑∑’Ë Ú ¡Õ߬âÕπÀ≈—ß : Ò ªï∑’˺à“π‰ª Ò˜ ë ÚıÛı - ÚıÛ˜ ™à«ß‡√‘Ë¡µâπÕߧå°√„À¡à Ò¯ ë ÚıÛ¯ - ÚıÙ ™à«ß·Ààß°“√‡µ‘∫‚µ·≈–®ÿ¥‡√‘Ë¡µâπ·Ààß«‘°ƒµ‡»√…∞°‘® Ú ë ÚıÙÒ - ÚıÙÚ ™à«ß·Ààß°“√·°â‰¢ªí≠À“‡©æ“–Àπâ“ ÚÛ ë...
in merchandise exports, which started to impact domestic demand. Going forward, the risks to financial system stability need to be managed cautiously through both microprudential and macroprudential
, ensuring more stability and security due to having an interconnected infrastructure system for production and distribution covering the areas in which the Company provides services, resulting in the
, ensuring more stability and security due to having an interconnected infrastructure system for production and distribution covering the areas in which the Company provides services, resulting in the
provide industrial users with higher quality products and services, ensuring more stability and security due to having an interconnected infrastructure system for production and distribution covering the
preparation for the adoption of IFRS 9, which will be effective in 2020, it would help supporting the financial stability in the Thai commercial banking system in order to accommodate loan growth in the next
examination of the overall financial position and risks of members, which at least regularly evaluates and monitors their financial position, financial stability, and risk management systems, and shall
/> (2/2)9 มีกลไกหรือมาตรการควบคุมตรวจสอบและถ่วงดุล (check and balance) การทำหน้าที่ของผู้ขออนุญาตในการรักษาสิทธิของผู้ถือโทเคนดิจิทัลตามข้อ 19 (2