targets to control and reduce costs every year in order to improve its performance. In addition, the Group had financial costs of THB 55.89 million, a decrease of THB 19.37 million or 26% compared to last
: Surgery Center: Negotiation process with business partner in Korea. Wuttisak Clinic: Develop and improve new beauty courses, prepare efficient equipment and staff and explore location to open new branches
bad debt and doubtful accounts was mainly from the expansion of our loan portfolio and increased in writing off the bad debt. Moreover, the Company has developed a new collection to improve debt
aqgreement with the customer, there is only one customer in this period. At the present, the management of the subsidiary is in the process of revising the agreement in order to improve the operating results
customer group continuously. Include activities to promote and educate cleaners and disinfectants to target customers in order to realize the importance and improve the quality of goods and services as well
business transfer would be to improve the management efficiency of The company „s business units. The Company shall transfer part of the Company‟s business which are produce and sell high performance
agreement in order to improve the operating results from the advertising and media business. Product Sales Business For the six-month period ended 30 June 2019, the Company earned revenue from product sales
improve its cost efficiently capability Impairment on investment in DIMET (Siam) Public Company Limited in the amount of 23 Million Baht as quarterly book to market method - Finance costs consist of
consistent with the business model of the customer group continuously. Include activities to promote and educate cleaners and disinfectants to target customers in order to realize the importance and improve
improve from spending in all categories, consistent with the expansion of manufacturing production in both domestic and export-related industries. Exports in the first three months have jumped 11.3% year on