levels of loan-loss provision, capital fund and liquidity to facilitate further credit expansion. Credit Rating LH Financial Group Public Company Limited is assigned the company rating at “BBB+“ with
Thai economy in the third quarter of 2018 had a positive trend in line with the expansion of world economy. The continuous growth from export sector and the implementation of advanced technology in
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in fourth quarter expanded at 1.6 percent, slowdown growth from the previous quarter which grew at 2.6 percent. These factors limited Thailand’s GDP expansion in 2019 to
expenses to support the expansion of new shopping malls and renovated malls. Gross profit of rental and services business The gross profit ratio for the rental and services business, which is the Company’s
. Expected Benefits Obtained from Capital increase and Allotment of New Shares 6.1 The Company will have sufficient resource of funds for its business operation and expansion of investment in its business. 6.2
Company 1. Expansion of scope of business into the growth business related to health and aging society business which related and mutually supporting with main business of the Company; medical devices and
and sellers. 8. Benefits expected by the Company 1. Expansion of scope of business into the growth business related to health and aging society business which related and mutually supporting with main
remained sound as banks continued to closely monitor credit quality and maintained high levels of loan-loss provision, capital fund and liquidity to facilitate further credit expansion. LH Financial Group
and Store Expansion: บรษัิทฯ ยงัคงเดินหนา้เพื่อขยายสาขาที่เป็นยทุธศาสตรท์ี่ส าคญั (Key strategic format) อยา่ง ตอ่เน่ือง อาทิ โรบินสนั ไลฟ์สไตล ์1 สาขา ไทวสัด ุ3 สาขา และ GO! Mall 3 สาขา - มาตรการควบคมุ
Digital Expansion โดยแบง่การด าเนินธุรกิจออกเป็น 3 แนวทาง ดงันี ้ 1) การขยายธุรกิจธนาคารทั่ วไป (Conventional Expansion): ด าเนินนโยบายขยายเครือข่ายและการ ให้บริการในกลุม่ประเทศ AEC+3 อยา่งตอ่เนื่อง เพื่อ