of 100 baht Shareholder Structure :- Before Capital Decrease : The Company holds shares in TL at 96.75 % or 386,999 shares at a par value of 100 baht After Capital Decrease : The Company holds shares
สารท่ีอ้างถงึ การลงทนุเพิ่มเติมในครัง้นีจ้งึไม่ต้องค านวณขนาดรายการใหม ่ BCB รวมถงึผู้ รับประโยชน์ และ/หรือ ผู้ถือหุ้นท่ีแท้จริงของ BCB (Ultimate Shareholder) ไม่มีความสมัพนัธ์ใดๆ กบับริษัทฯ ดงันัน้ การ ท
return on total assets % 0.7 1.40 1.00 12. Shareholder return rate % 0.8 1.50 1.10 Submitted for your kind information please, Yours truly, (Mr.Nirut Intarathachang) Chief Financial Officer
. Net profit % 6.3 9.40 14.00 11. Rate of return on total assets % 0.41 1.14 1.69 12. Shareholder return rate % 0.48 1.25 2.03 Submitted for your kind information please, Yours truly, (Mr.Nirut
number 24421, Bangbon Sub-district, Bangbon District, Bangkok from Mr. Kongsak Hemmontharop who is Board of Director and major shareholder of the Company. 7. To consider and approve the appointment of
Connected Persons: The Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is common major shareholder by holding share as followings: - KYE : 9,048,020 shares or 45.70% MKY : 57,700 shares or 48.04% 6. Funding Source: Working
businesses shall have the meaning as defined in the International Accounting Standard 24: Related Party Disclosures. Please provide the information of the ultimate shareholder of the Audit Firm. If the major
of the ultimate shareholder of the Audit Firm. If the major shareholder of the Audit Firm is a company, please specify the major shareholder of that company in order that the SEC Office will have the
/9692p.xlsx QAQR-02.xlsx that the firm considers as high risk? Please describe the relevant responses to these risks B1 Who is the ultimate shareholder(s) that have ultimate control of the audit firm, and;? B2
GIFT by accepting returns in cash and newly issued shares of GIFT. Additionally, RS will acquire existing GIFT shares from its related parties, i.e., a major shareholder by the name of Mr. Surachai