inventory to net realizable value amounting of Baht 2.0 million in 2018, whereas there was an increase of Baht 1.0 million in 2017. And there was a decrease in depreciation and amortization cost amounting of
amounting Baht 1.0 million. In addition, there was an increase of reduction cost of inventory to net realizable value amounting of Baht 1.0 million in 2017, whereas there was no such transaction in 2016. The
accounts of Baht 10.0 million resulting from liquidity problem of one major accounts receivable, whereas there was a reversal of Baht 1.0 million in Q2/2017. In addition, there was an increase of reduction
18.0 million from Baht 151.1 million in 2018 to be Baht 133.1 million, or 11.97% decreased. This was due to an increase in Allowance for doubtful accounts of Baht 21.8 million in 2018 whereas there was a
restaurant business. Although, there was a cost control in better management, decreased in depreciation for the year 2019 and the acknowledgement of the past service cost for employee benefit in accordance
of many projects although the Company has already been hired. The Company’s subsidiaries have increased work deliveries compared to the same period of previous year. (2) Cost of sales In the second
many projects although the Company has already been hired. (2) Cost of sales In the third quarter of 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries had total cost of sales at the amount of Baht 356 million
restaurants and bakery are increased at the rate of 0. 4 percent while the same store sales of the domestic bakery shops are decreased by 1. 9 percent as a result of an domestic consumption slowdown, and the
growth of the same store sales of the restaurants and bakery are increased at the rate of 0. 4 percent while the same store sales of the domestic bakery shops are decreased by 1. 9 percent as a result of
previous year 170.6 million baht or an increase 28.8%. While the total revenue for 6 months of 2 0 2 0 is 1,526.8 million baht increased from the same period of the previous year 382.5 million baht or an