purchase a plot of land which were deemed dishonest acts and caused damage to KC. The acts mentioned above were assisted or facilitated by four persons, namely (1) Mr. Veerawat Sukwara, (2) Ms. Supattar
purchase a plot of land which were deemed dishonest acts and caused damage to KC. The acts mentioned above were assisted or facilitated by four persons, namely (1) Mr. Veerawat Sukwara, (2) Ms. Supattar
of land which were deemed dishonest acts and caused damage to KC. The acts mentioned above were assisted or facilitated by four persons, namely (1) Mr. Veerawat Sukwara, (2) Ms. Supattar Tinpeng, (3
of land which were deemed dishonest acts and caused damage to KC. The acts mentioned above were assisted or facilitated by four persons, namely (1) Mr. Veerawat Sukwara, (2) Ms. Supattar Tinpeng, (3
of land which were deemed dishonest acts and caused damage to KC. The acts mentioned above were assisted or facilitated by four persons, namely (1) Mr. Veerawat Sukwara, (2) Ms. Supattar Tinpeng, (3
purchase a plot of land which were deemed dishonest acts and caused damage to KC. The acts mentioned above were assisted or facilitated by four persons, namely (1) Mr. Veerawat Sukwara, (2) Ms. Supattar
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not
subsidiary, in the cumulative value of 180 million baht (73% of the total GSC’s asset) without the approval of shareholders. The interest rates of such loans were too low. The acts mentioned above did not