. The Thai Listed Companies Association (LCA) has rendered active cooperation and support to the assessment preparation by, for instance, being the center for sharing lessons and experience in organizing
Mekong region. It reflected the shared visions and regional support toward the SEC Thailand?s initiatives in building a network for Mekong capital markets cooperation. I am confident that with active
supporting development of infrastructure projects. Infrastructure fund will also lessen the government?s budgeting burden and public debts. We expect to see active cooperation among all related parties in
Index SSF SCB Asset Management 12 SCB Mixed 70/30 SSF SCB Asset Management 13 SCB Thai Equity Active SSF
artificial intelligence analytics. Private Cloud Provide private cloud solution Active-Active architecture. EV charger with high quality and cost efficiency support using in private or public commercial
(“foreign active ETF”) ที่กองทุนรวมฟีดเดอร์(feeder fund)1 หรือกองทุนรวมหน่วยลงทุน (fund of funds)2ꃂ㰀⼀猀甀瀀㸀䐀ᜎ∎䐎ᬎ┎ᜎ㠎ᤎ䈀ᐎ∎ᬎㄎࠎࠎ㠎ᨎㄎᤎᨎ⌎㐎⤎ㄎᜎࠎㄎᐎĎ㈎⌎Ďⴎᜎ㠎ᤎ⠎ᰀᨠ⌎㐎⤎ㄎᜎࠎㄎᐎĎ㈎⌎ᴎ⤠ ᔀ䤎ⴎᔎ㐎ᐎᔎ㈎ℎĎ㈎⌎Ў✎ᨎЎ㠎ℎⴎㄎᔎ⌎㈎⨎䠎✎ᤎᐎㄎ
million which has decreased by THB 0.17 million or 2.46% from the 1st quarter of 2014 was THB 6.91 million. 4. Sea Freight Carrier Business Revenues from Sea Freight Services, operated by the subsidiary
(Pneumatic Tube Carrier Systems) already completed at projects. . Analysis of results of operations. Statements of Comprehensive Income – Consolidated (Million Baht) For six-month periods ended June
(Pneumatic Tube Carrier Systems) for projects. In addition, Hi Healthcare Center Co., Ltd. was established on the past September 25, 2017 to operate medical service concerning healthcare and esthetics under
Co., Ltd. has distributed medical equipment. In the 2018, has recognized from installation of Pneumatic Tube Carrier Systems 6 projects. And, Hi Healthcare Center Co., Ltd. was established on September