4. Before commencing the fund supervisor business, the person registered as a qualified fund supervisor shall notify the Office at least thirty days prior to the date of commencement of such business
. Before commencing the fund supervisor business, the person registered as a qualified fund supervisor shall notify the Office at least thirty days prior to the date of commencement of such business
. Before commencing the fund supervisor business, the person registered as a qualified fund supervisor shall notify the Office at least thirty days prior to the date of commencement of such business
issuance of derivatives business license within thirty days from the date of receipt of the Office’s proposal. In the case where the Securities and Exchange Commission issues the derivatives business license
consideration for issuance of derivatives business license within thirty days from the date of receipt of the Office’s proposal. In the case where the Securities and Exchange Commission issues the derivatives
consideration for issuance of derivatives business license within thirty days from the date of receipt of the Office’s proposal. In the case where the Securities and Exchange Commission issues the derivatives
Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission concerning determination of fees for filing, registration and other applications. The Office shall notify the result of the application within thirty days
Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission concerning determination of fees for filing, registration and other applications. The Office shall notify the result of the application within thirty days
result of the application within thirty days as from the date of submission of complete and accurate application, other documents and evidence. In considering the application, the Office may summon the
result of the application in the Office’s electronic work system within thirty days as from the date the Office receives complete and accurate application together with supplemental documents. In case the