been improving steadily from 1.22 times in Q4 2020 to 0.89 times at Q4 2021. 99 หมู่ท่ี 1 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมไฮเทค ต าบลบา้นเลน อ าเภอบางปะอิน จงัหวดัพระนครศรี
businesses in acquiring and managing NPLs and NPAs. This enables BAM to consistently and sustainably generate healthy profits for all stakeholders. หนา้ 2 2. AMC Industry Outlook and Overview In 2019, the Thai
its direct operations and in its supply and value chains including: assessing outcomes consistently, using wellbeing as the common measure determining suitable baselines, counterfactuals
uncertainties. SET Index went up steadily, along with other bourses around the world, and closed the year at 734.54 points or 63.2 percent up from the year before. In 2009, capital market stakeholders in public
3.5% YoY. However, the money transfer service, of which the Company is the banking agent for 6 banks, has been growing consistently with 1,159,351 transactions per month, increasing 25.3% YoY, as well
transferring period as the most of residences transferred consistently in 2017. The Company expected that the remaining residences of MahaNakhon project for sale will be handover to the customers by Q1 2018; as
was greater than that of past transferring period as the most of residences transferred consistently in 2017. The Company expected that the remaining residences of MahaNakhon project for sale will be
money transfer service, of which the Company is the banking agent for 6 banks, has been growing consistently with 1,407,181 transactions per month, increasing 44.3% YoY, as well as the e-Wallet and
transaction amount was Bt9,074mn. However, the money transfer service, of which the Company is the banking agent for 6 banks, has been growing consistently with 1,650,528 transactions per month, increasing 73.0
/2020) In the Q3/ 2 0 2 0 , the company performed consistently good performance from the previous quarter. The transportation of electronic products has also increased significantly. In addition, products