transmission of the virus. The company has been closely monitoring the epidemic situation. The company is concerned that the General Meeting of Shareholders at this time, the company will not be able to
reporting standards are concerned, to provide high quality, reliable financial information of listed companies for investors and other stakeholders.The third-cycle inspection during 2016-2018 continues to
their professional roles are concerned, to ensure sustainable returns for their clients. In addition, to earn a recognition for good corporate governance practices, an institutional investor should put in
system will be reinforced. Strategic Direction 2 Capital market accessible to all (Accessibility), in which all parties concerned can make use of the market for their needs. Strategic Direction 3
with a partner that places extra concerns over the environment and society in addition to corporate governance practices. 3. Increasingly, Thailand has become more concerned with the social and
with a partner that places extra concerns over the environment and society in addition to corporate governance practices. 3. Increasingly, Thailand has become more concerned with the social and
client is aggressively concerned with maintaining the firm’s fees as low as possible. - Indications of an inappropriate limitation in securities
addition, there was a backlog of orders at the end of the year and unrealized consignment sales (Table 3). However, sales in THB terms were affected by the appreciation of the THB against both the USD and
จาก Copper ทีใช้ไป มีประมาณ 2.7% ต่อยอดขาย ตารางที 2: ราคาและปริมาณการซื อวตัถดิุบ ตารางที 3: การขาย Consignment การเปลียนแปลงเทอมการขายเป็นในรูปแบบการฝากขาย Customer Manage Inventory (CMI)/ Consignment
โครงการใหม่ทีได้รับจดัสรรจากลกูค้า มาตั งแต่ปีก่อนด้วย แต่ถึงอย่างไร รายได้ขายก็ได้รับผลกระทบเชิงลบด้วยเช่นกัน ทั งจากการขาย Consignment ทียงัไม่ได้รับรู้รายได้ จํานวน 94 ล้านบาท (ตารางที 3) และจากคําสังซื