. Our book value per share as at 30 June 2020 stood at 60.46 Baht. Significant changing is as follows: 1) Revenue from sale Baht 195.32 million increased by Baht 2.62 million or 1.36% from 2019, there is
. Disclose any subsequent significant changes in the capitalization and indebtedness and a statement of capitalization and indebtedness that provides current information about the issuer’s guaranteed
significant changes in the capitalization and indebtedness and a statement of capitalization and indebtedness that provides current information about the issuer’s guaranteed/unguaranteed and secured/unsecured
-month 2017 period, Padaeng Industry Public Company Limited announces a consolidated net profit of 636.89MB, a significant increase with 80% compared to the net profit of 352.22MB for the same period of
discussions regarding the supervision and development of capital market from important stakeholders such as SET, institutional investors, the Government Pension Fund, listed companies, intermediaries, and
acquired in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, the revenues from renewable energy are starting to contribute a significant portion of the profits. Padaeng Industry Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries (“the
, 36 MW solar farms in Thailand have been acquired in 2016 and 2017. The revenues from renewable energy are starting to contribute a significant portion of the profits since 2018 onwards. Subsequently
2016 and 2017. The revenues from renewable energy are starting to contribute a significant portion of the profits since 2018 onward. Subsequently, on November 6, 2018, the Board of Directors of the
MW solar farms in Thailand have been acquired in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, the revenues from renewable energy are starting to contribute a significant portion of the profits. Padaeng Industry Public
, and the responsibilities of the board. Why is corporate governance important? For emerging market countries, improving corporate governance can serve a number of important public policy objectives. Good