categories from the slowdown in domestic and external demands and also from the lower business sentiment impacted by the outbreak. Meanwhile, public spending excluding transfers also contracted in both current
ถือของข้อมูล สภาพตลาด (market sentiment) ที่เก่ียวข้องกับบริษัทหรือหมวดอุตสาหกรรมนั้น เป็นตน้ รวมทั้งโอกาสที่ผูล้งทนุน่าจะใช้ข้อมูลดังกล่าว ซึ่งโดยทั่วไปข้อมูลที่มผีลกระทบในเร่ืองดังต่อไปนี้ มักจะมผีล
“Risk Factors” and separate different types of risk factors into different subsections. 3. In case of offering for sales of unusually risky debt securities, highlight the riskiness of securities on the
loans, which deem to be less risky than that of the unsecured personal loans or credit
competition in securing and getting NPLs/ NPAs as many players would likely shift their focus towards secured collateralized loans, which deem to be less risky than that of the unsecured personal loans or
sentiment ของตลาดได นําโดยตลาดหุนสหรัฐฯ ท่ีปรับตัวข้ึนตอบรับ ตัวเลขเศรษฐกิจในเดือนกุมภาพันธที่ออกมาดี ทั้งตัวเลขการจางงานนอกภาคการเกษตร ตัวเลขดัชนีผูจัดการฝาย จัดซ้ือภาคอุตสาหกรรม (Manufacturing PMI
uncertainty and the escalation of US-China trade war pressured investment sentiment across the globe. Second half of this quarter, the resulting from the baht appreciation and the MSCI rebalancing for higher
, an increase of 14.5% YoY) due mainly to the above-mentioned adjustment, as well as from higher selling and marketing expenses to generate revenue stream amidst softened tourism sentiment. However, both
uncertainty and the escalation of US-China trade war pressured investment sentiment across the globe. Second half of this quarter, the resulting from the baht appreciation and the MSCI rebalancing for higher
to the lowest level since August 2017, due to global equity markets continued declining, led by China as ongoing concerns over global trade frictions dampened sentiment. While unwinding position of