Agreement 2.10.1. Conditions Precedent The material condition precedent of the transaction for acquisition of Nam San 3B which the Seller shall fulfill or be waived by BIC within the Closing Date, includes
ทำงกำรปฏิบัติตำมหลกัธรรมำภิบำลกำรลงทุนของญ่ีปุ่ น (Japan’s Stewardship Code)ฌ ไว้ในนโยบายการปฏิบัติหน้าท่ีตามหลักธรรมาภิบาลการลงทุน (Policy to Fulfill Stewardship Responsibilities)ญ โดยไดร้ะบุบทบำทหนำ้
ทำงกำรปฏิบัติตำมหลกัธรรมำภิบำลกำรลงทุนของญ่ีปุ่ น (Japan’s Stewardship Code)ฌ ไว้ในนโยบายการปฏิบัติหน้าท่ีตามหลักธรรมาภิบาลการลงทุน (Policy to Fulfill Stewardship Responsibilities)ญ โดยไดร้ะบุบทบำทหนำ้
past, which GJS defaulted from the contracts), which is as a measure to resolve and debt restructure from GJS, the interest rate of long-term loan at 12% p.a. (Separated financial costs: THB 207 million
witness testimony on February 22, 2017. However, on the day of appointment, the defendant did not show up to court and did not file a lawsuit to resolve the case. The Company testified our only side of บมจ
value and opine that could resolve the Company’s liabilities and has an unanimous resolution to submit to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2020 which will be held on 12 February
conditions of the transaction, the appropriateness of the sale value and opine that could resolve the Company’s liabilities. Enclosure 12. Opinion of the Audit Committee and/or opinion of the director which is
been appointed to fulfill the Board of Directors. หนา้ 9 4.2 Statement of Financial Position The following table sets forth a summary of the statement of financial position for the years ended December
Company must fulfill pursuant to the Connected Transaction Notifications as described above, the allocation and offering of the newly issued ordinary shares of the Company to ACO I is also subject to the
will not be able to vote at the shareholders’ meeting of the Company9. 6) Conditions of the Transaction Apart from the conditions which the Company must fulfill pursuant to the Connected Transaction