with expansion of service stations and non-oil businesses, together with constant refurbishment of service stations. While the industrial sales volume decreased, as a result of the optimization of sales
quarter, as Q4/2018 incurred high amounts of disbursement for expenses related to personnel, marketing promotion, and annual service station refurbishment during the end of the year, resulting in increased
Responsibility standards must be demonstrated. The ambition that new installations are designed and manufactured for high durability, easy to dismantle, refurbishment and recycling must be demonstrated. Proper
ำไปสูก่ำรเตบิโต อยำ่งยั่งยนืในระยะยำว ทัง้นี ้ในปี 2560 บรษัิทฯ ท ำกำรปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ดงัตอ่ไปนี ้ • การปรบัปรุงใหญ่ (Major Renovation) 2 ศูนยก์ารคา้ ไดแ้ก่ เซ็นทรัลเวลิด ์ซึง่ ปรับปรุงทลีะเฟสเริม่
ยำว ทัง้นี้ ในปี 2561 บรษัิทฯ มแีผนกำรปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ดงัตอ่ไปนี ้ • การปรบัปรุงใหญ่ (Major Renovation) ทีเ่ซ็นทรลัเวลิด ์ซึง่ปรับปรุงทลีะ เฟสเริม่ตัง้แตไ่ตรมำส 4 ปี 2559 และทยอยแลว้เสร็จในไตรมำส 3
ปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ดงัตอ่ไปนี ้ • การปรบัปรุงใหญ่ (Major Renovation) ทีเ่ซ็นทรลัเวลิด ์ซึง่ปรับปรุงทลีะ เฟสเริม่ตัง้แตไ่ตรมำส 4 ปี 2559 และทยอยแลว้เสร็จในไตรมำส 4 ปี 2561 โดย ณ สิน้ไตรมำส 3 ปี 2561 มอีัต
20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand Annual Report 2012 SEC ANNUAL REPORT 20122 THE YEAR OF CHANGE The year 2012 was the time for change to become the visionary partner whose balance between proactive and preventive approaches has led to stakeholders’ confidence in the Thai capital market. THE YEAR OF CHANGE 20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 02 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAiRMAN 04 MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAl 06 SEC BOARd 09 CApiTAl MARkET SupERviSORY BOARd 12 ExECuTivE OFFiCERS 13 O...
situation of each country. • Accelerated the renovation of properties and prepared the post COVID-19 operations for the re-opening of the hotels. Based on the current situation that the number of new infected
business operation of the Company in various area, e.g. market expansion for palm oil products which were not the Company’s previous expertise, renovation of factories and production lines of the Company so
Annual Report 2010 ANN UAL REPORT 2010 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, THAILAND ASEAN ECONOMIC COM MUN ITY Vision S = Setting High Standard E = Ethical C = Committed Pro = Professional Mission Core value: SEC-Pro The SEC develops and supervises the Thai capital market to ensure efficiency, fairness, transparency and integrity. The SEC is to establish the Thai capital market as an important alternative for investors and fund raisers with an efficient mechanism for investor empowerment and, in...