2016 in which 3BB had 36,171 FTTx net additional subscribers. Presently, 3BB totally has 2.726 million subscribers; this number includes approximately 317,661 FTTx subscribers. Jasmine International
of work from the original 300 days has been adjusted to 400 days; approximately 57.53 million baht, and the Voluntary Retirement project approximately 12.57 million baht. 3. The selling and
been adjusted to 400 days; approximately 57.53 million baht, and the Company’s Voluntary Retirement project approximately 12.57 million baht. 3. The selling and administrative expenses increased by 76.98
ordinary share for 5.5 KPPH ordinary shares). CCET shall holds approximately 19.19% of CCPH shares after the Merger. Source of Fund Before Amendment By issuance of new CCPH ordinary shares (shares swap
in the capital market, for example, female directors currently account for approximately 20 percent of total numbers of directors’ seats in listed companies. The board with at least one female member
-time incurred of approximately Baht 12 million. In addition, the opening of the new Medical Excellence Center and the expansion of the subsidiary’s laboratories have driven the cost of service, expertise
generation capacity and 10 tons per hour of steam generation capacity with the project cost of approximately Baht 3,105 million (the debt proportion is approximately 75 percent and the equity proportion is
, uniforms and all security equipment for the hired employees. Therefore, the company had all those expenses in Q3/2018 approximately Baht (5.4) million. 3. Gross profit of Solar energy (“SE”) increased Baht
Sale Activities decreased by 73%. The decline of Project Sale Activities to 359 million Baht was primarily a result of the postponement of a few projects worth approximately 100 million Baht to be
occupancy rate is about 96%) 7. Acquisition Price : 118.9 million U.S Dollar or approximately 3,950 million baht (off-market bid price) 8. Purpose : For rent. 9. Total transaction size : 3.69% of total asset