60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 (2.00) 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 Q1/2017 Q4/2017 Q1/2018 Market GRM GRM Hedging Inventory Gain(Loss) Crude run (KBD) 7.96 FO/DB crack spread dipped by 1.93 $/BBL
affected by the year round global oil price fluctuation, especially in the last quarter which oil price plunged drastically. Moreover, the refinery recorded lower crude run due to its 45 days turnaround
Entrepreneur to be a hub of cosmetics manufacturer. For this share acquisition, the Company is ready-to-run business both production, marketing and customers-based information. (2) Increase Group of Companies
business enterprise support as Policy Entrepreneur to be a hub of cosmetics manufacturer. For this share acquisition, the Company is ready-to-run business both production, marketing and customers-based
of 10 business enterprise support as Policy Entrepreneur to be a hub of cosmetics manufacturer. For this share acquisition, the Company is ready-to-run business both production, marketing and customers
this lower gross margin in 2019. However, The company believes that this investment would be a key factor for competitiveness enhancement in the long run. Selling and administrative expenses Selling and
operated trial run service in MRT Blue Line Extension without farebox charge as follows: - Wat Mangkon Station to Tha Phra Station on July 29, 2019 - Bang Phai Station to Bang Wa Station on August 24, 2019
be eliminate the water hyacinth in effective. And this products is the organic that not negative effect on the ecosystem and aquatic animal. Therefore is ready to run production line for commercial. BS
relating to employee incentives. On the upside, the maintenance, which would have occurred later in the year, is now complete so we do not expect major maintenance activity in H2 and have the ability to run
process in order to run the production line continuously. The distinctive features of the area, quality and the amount of the raw water made it difficult to compare the purchase price with other sellers