Capital Market 'Work' for Everyone", which aims to drive sustainable growth across all sectors by promoting the importance of freedom and equality." remarked Rinjai Chakornpipat, SET senior executive
) Amount % Credit card fee 1.48 1.57 (0.10) (6.07) Advertising and PR expense 0.68 0.43 0.25 56.70 Sales promotion - CLMV 0.00 2.05 (2.05) (100) Sales incentive 2.16 1.68 0.48 28.87 Others 0.83 0.83 0.00
year by Baht 4.84 million or equivalent to 36.17% mainly due to increasing of advertising and promotion expenses – CLMV by Baht 2.05 million, incentive expense Baht 3.01 million because the Company
) Sales incentive 7.95 9.56 (1.60) (16.79) Others 3.17 3.33 (0.16) (4.71) Total 19.82 24.33 (4.51) (18.54) For the year 2019, the Company has distribution cost at Baht 19.82 million decreased compared to
Baht Distribution cost March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 Increase (Decrease) Amount % Credit card fee 1.53 1.48 0.06 3.96 Advertising and PR expense 0.16 0.68 (0.52) (76.34) Sales incentive 1.21 2.16 (0.95
department to control quality and reduce losses - Create motivation by rewarding, if able to produce and control waste according to the target - Improved data storage system and production reports for
at all levels. - Prepare manual work process for each department to control quality and reduce losses - Create motivation by rewarding, if able to produce and control waste according to the target
- Create motivation by rewarding, if able to produce and control waste according to the target - Improved data storage system and production reports for monitoring and controlling For the direction of sales
เงนิเดอืน และคา่แรงจงูใจ (Incentive) ลดลง 4. บรษิทัฯ มคีา่ใชจ้า่ยในการบรหิารเพิม่ขึน้จากงวดเดยีวกนัของปีก่อน 2,455,302 บาท โดยเป็นการเพิม่ขึน้จากคา่ใชจ้า่ยในการเสนอขายหุน้ต่อประชาชน และคา่ทีป่รกึษาทาง
increased loan level and the completion of the BOI tax incentive scheme respectively. Net profit attributable to equity holders decreased Baht 181 million year-on-year, as improved earnings from core