made in this material are forward-looking statements with the relevant assumptions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These include statements with respect to our corporate plans
in the company’s strategy and capital allocation. Risk should be managed accordingly in a rational, appropriately independent, dynamic and forward-looking way. This process of managing risks should be
early in the quarter following the launch of special fixed deposit campaigns by large commercial banks and certain mid-sized banks. Looking at the remainder of this year, overall loan growth is expected
contains “forward-looking” statements that relate to future events, which are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements reflect our current views with
information contained herein. Further, nothing in this document should be construed as constituting legal, business, tax or financial advice. This material contains “forward-looking” statements that relate to
Reporting Standards (IFRS9) going forward. All of these factors may affect business adjustments of commercial banks in terms of provisioning expenses, risk calculation, capital maintenance and their overall
dropped as a large number of fixed-term deposit accounts reached maturity, and there was a cash outflow from current and savings accounts at three or four banks. Looking at the remainder of this year
information contained herein. Further, nothing in this document should be construed as constituting legal, business, tax or financial advice. This material contains “forward-looking” statements that relate to
ทุนรวม เท่ำกับ 1.59 เท่ำ และบริษัทมีอัตรำส่วนหนี้สินที่มี ภำระหนี้ต่อทุน เท่ำกับ 1.29 เท่ำ มุมมองของผู้บริหำรต่อผลประกอบกำรในอนำคต (Forward Looking) บริษัทยังคงด ำเนินธุรกิจด้วยกลยุทธ์กำรด ำเนินกำรรวม
Discussion and Analysis of FS2018 Page 5/5 JMT Network Services Public Company Limited Forward Looking The Company is still confident to growth of business further. The factors that have impact on its business