foreign investors, to which the Company has continually adjusted its marketing and selling plans. For projects under development, the progress is still on track and has little impact from the COVID-19. Cost
purchasing power of foreign investors, to which the Company has continually adjusted its marketing and selling plans. For projects under development, the progress is still on track and has little impact from
Group has experienced very little bad debts and has not found any irregularity in 2020 and there was no bad debt in the past year 2019. (3.2) Inventory and Deterioration or Obsolete The Corporate Group’s
are able to move easily and the menu served requires little processing and time to prepare. This was able to respond to the changing consumer behavior. The Company is in the process of preparing and
of recipients with little impact on public prosperity. ❑ Levered firms may not prefer some benefits from tax shelters. ❑ E.g. short-term loan and loan guarantee programs ❑Market participants/regulators
. Lao PDR’s installed capacity is approximately 8,800 megawatts. Because of its abundant water resource and mountainous geography, the electricity generation is mainly from hydropower plants. With an aim
government of Lao PDR has a policy to drawing investment in hydropower plants from private sector with abundant hydropower potential up to 29,000 megawatts in its effort towards being Battery of Asia by 2020
announcing its 2nd round of export quotas in May later than usual, normally made in March. Thus, leading to an abundant of supplies entering the market, and combined with global Mogas stock remaining well
ได้จำกกำรให้เช่ำและบริกำร เพิม่ขึน้ 23.3 ลา้นบาท หรอื 18.6% เน่ืองจากพืน้ทีเ่ช่าทีเ่พิม่ขึน้ (Little Walk Pattaya เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนพฤศจกิายน 2561 และ Index Mall ชยัพฤกษ์ เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืน มนีาคม
จากพืน้ทีเ่ช่าทีเ่พิม่ขึน้ (Index Mall บางนา เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนกนัยายน 2561 Little Walk Pattaya เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนพฤศจกิายน 2561 และ Index Mall ชยัพฤกษ์ เปิดใหบ้รกิารในเดอืนมนีาคม 2562) *มูลคา่อาจ