, it shall be deemed that the respondent no longer has the intention to mediate. In this regard, the respondent may file a counterclaim together with a letter indicating his intention relating to the
or any other circumstances indicating the applicant’s financial hardship, including not having any reasonable ground to believe that the applicant has any deficiency or inappropriateness regarding the
to cause damage or any other circumstances indicating the applicant’s financial hardship, including not having any reasonable ground to believe that the applicant has any deficiency or
to cause damage or any other circumstances indicating the applicant’s financial hardship, including not having any reasonable ground to believe that the applicant has any deficiency or
sukuk; (d) trust property; (2) particulars relating to returns and redemption: (a) objective of an issuance of sukuk; (b) important characteristics of sukuk indicating rights, conditions, and rates or
to this Notification; and (3) The certification of the applicant indicating that the approval by the resolution of the shareholders’ meeting is in compliance with the rules as specified in this
applicant shall comply. Clause 12 In cases where additional facts appear to the SEC Office after the approval for an offer for sale of debt securities, indicating that the facts and circumstances that the SEC
] has certain behaviors indicating unlawful acts subject to administrative sanction; (4) “authority” means the SEC, administrative panel and the SEC Office, as the case maybe; (5) “administrative panel
, the price per unit (if applicable), and the investment limit compared to the investment to the private fund’s net asset value by indicating whether such transaction has the nature of a transaction with
the -4.6% YoY drop in 4Q22 from the previous year, indicating the easing competition in this period. The 5G users continued the growth momentum and reached 7.2mn subscribers. AIS Fibre sustained the