provided buckets with food and beverage products to help boost energy and encouragement for people and staffs who are fighting against COVID-19. The Company also distributed alcohol cleaning gel to the
% mainly due to increasing dentist remuneration, rental expense, depreciation-medical equipment and incentive by Baht 9.44 million, Baht 1.63 million, Baht 1.65 million and Baht 1.99 million, respectively
, inventory increased from OEM project for EGR and ALP FPI Parts Private Limited, Other non-current assets increased from accrued export incentive and accrued corporate income tax, investments in associates
was higher due to an increase in engineering revenues that are not covered by the BOI tax incentive. Golden Lime Public Company Limited 5 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR PERIOD ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER
, mainly from higher sale incentive and commission from dealership businesses. 4) Improved SG&A in terms of % to revenue. 2) Financial Position Analysis (Unit: Million Baht) March 2022 December 2021 Change
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
Bt33,822mn of cash CAPEX to enhance 4G capacity and increase fixed broadband last miles. Following the government’s announcement of tax incentive program, AIS recognized a YTD tax benefit in 3Q17 amounting
from recovery of internal demand of several countries. In the meantime, Thai economy still has continuously expanded in the same direction from investment motivation of both governmental and private
direction from investment motivation of both governmental and private sectors, which some part mainly comes from export and tourism sectors and internal expenditure rate has gradually expanded as well. These
พนักงานในรูปแบบของ คาแรงจูงใจ (Incentive) เพยีง อยางเดียว สงผลให มีคาใชจายทั้งในสวนของ คาแรงจูงใจและโบนัสคางจาย ในขณะที่งวดปกอนหนา บริษัทฯ มีเพียง คาใชจายในสวนของคาแรงจูงใจ คาใชจายใน