PowerPoint Presentation SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) เขา้ใจความคดิผูล้งทนุ เพือ่สรา้งโอกาสสนบัสนนุตลาด ตราสารหนี ้Green bond พฤศจกิายน 2566 สพุรรณี เอกประทมุชยั กรญิา งามสมสขุ ฝ่ายวจัิย
Process Type of Socio- economic outcome Target Population Indicators European Union’s definition and categorization of SMEs. • Not be engaged in any business activity described under the Exclusionary
classification [Referring to Item 4.2]; - backup [Reference to Item 8.3]; - cryptographic control [Referring to Item 6]. 3. Supervision of the operating personnel: - end user controls, for example: - protection of
minimum: 1. Security of IT assets ; - access control [Referring to Item 5]; - physical and environmental security [Referring to Item 7]. 2. Information management and confidentiality: - asset classification
72,219 Total shareholders’ equity 1,095,662 1,051,995 43,667 Total assets increased by 115.89 million Bahts, mainly from categorization of Other Long Term Investments into Other Non-Current Financial
of the relationship with clients (on-going KYC/CDD). Clause 9. In conducting the KYC/CDD process pursuant to Clause 8, securities company is required to perform the following:- (1) identify the
clients (on-going KYC/CDD). Clause 9. In conducting the KYC/CDD process pursuant to Clause 8, securities company is required to perform the following:- (1) identify the client’s true identity (client
following:- (1) identify the client’s true identity (client identification), including the identity of the ultimate beneficial owner and the controlling person of the transactions; (2) verify the client’s
may also have social co-benefits, and that the classification of a use of proceeds bond as an ASEAN Green Bond should be determined by the Issuer based on its primary objectives for the underlying
environmental co-benefits, and that the classification of a use of proceeds bond as an ASEAN Social Bond should be determined by the Issuer based on its primary objectives for the underlying projects. Bonds that