Q2 2017 was THB 807m which was 18% higher than Q2 2016 was THB 676m. Capital Expenditure Capital Expenditure was THB 430m in Q2 2017, and THB 155m in Q2 2016. Generally, capital expenditure for
901m which was 8% higher than Q3 2016 was THB 834m. Capital Expenditure Capital Expenditure was THB 302m in Q3 2017, and THB 242m in Q3 2016. Generally, capital expenditure for production equipment will
was THB 453m which was 25% lower than Q1 2018 was THB 607m . Capital Expenditure Net Capital Expenditure was THB 180m in Q1 2019, and THB 266m in Q1 2018. Generally, capital expenditure for production
was THB 229m in Q2 2019, and THB 503m in Q2 2018. Generally, capital expenditure for production equipment will follow the increase in sales, particularly in the IC division. However, there is a 3 to 6
. Capital Expenditure Capital Expenditure was THB 266m in Q1 2018, and THB 188m in Q1 2017. Generally, capital expenditure for production equipment will follow the increase in sales, particularly in the IC
Expenditure Capital Expenditure was THB 503m in Q2 2018, and THB 430m in Q2 2017. Generally, capital expenditure for production equipment will follow the increase in sales, particularly in the IC division
company or a subsidiary and a connected person is a shareholder in proportion in their interest in the juristic person. The term of trades generally or better, listed company will be exempted from the
Expenditure was THB 297m in Q3 2019, and THB 812m in Q3 2018. Generally, capital expenditure for production equipment will follow the increase in sales, particularly in the IC division. However, there is a 3 to
Q1 2020, and THB 180m in Q1 2019. Generally, capital expenditure for production equipment will follow the increase in sales, particularly in the IC division. However, there is a 3 to 6 month time lag
. The SEC findings also revealed that {D}, AEC co-chief executive officer in charge of back office, and {E}, AEC co-chief executive officer in charge of front office, had generally neglected supervision