reported the domestic steel-production for 2018 was at 7.11 million metric tons, increasing 3.36% compared to the previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 3.90 million metric tons
Business increased 192.63 M.Bht or 271% cause of sales condominium which finished the construction in year 2018. 2. Financial Status and Major Financial Ratio Item Unit Y2018 Y2017 Y2016 1.Current Ratio
previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 3.90 million metric tons, decreasing 1.22% and the flat finished steel production of 3.20 million metric tons, increasing 9.54% compared to
reported the domestic steel-production Q1/2019 was at 1.71 million metric tons, decreasing 13.32% compared to the same period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 1.06 million
. 2019 was at 3.93 million metric tons, decreasing 13.34% compared to the same period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 2.57 million metric tons, decreasing 9.08% and the
period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 1.13 million metric tons, increasing 4.78% and the flat finished steel production of 0.815 million metric tons, increasing 12.96
0.41% compared to the same period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 1.89 million metric tons, decreasing 10.85% and the flat finished steel production of 1.58 million
million metric tons, increasing 0.95% compared to the same period of previous year consisting of the long finished steel production of 1.28 million metric tons, decreasing 4.26% and the flat finished steel
follow. ?Most SET100 companies achieved impressive scores; only some finished lower than 80 average points, which is the target set by the SEC and the LCA. We will monitor underachievers? path towards
other companies to follow. ?Most SET100 companies achieved impressive scores; only some finished lower than 80 average points, which is the target set by the SEC and the LCA. We will monitor